====== KERMINY'S NEWSLETTER #3 ====== ===== The summer is comming! ===== {{::img_20210628_143231_884.jpg?400|}} //Picture/ photograph Astral Kanevas' module in preparation (06/26/21).// **THIS SUMMER'S ARTISTC ENCOUNTERS**, initiated by the association (n) are also preparing featuring : \\ - **On July 1st** : **THE LOWTECH FEST NIGHT**\\ For the passage of the Low Tech Tour in Kerminy and a meeting organised by social and solidarity econnomy's pole of the Finistère, we are organising a JAM music night, welcoming everyone ! Programm : disco soup, buckwheat crêpes, local beer and live music.\\ - **SUMMER MINI MOONS** : We are celebrating the full moon events of the summer with JAM music and improvised music all night long. This year's full moons are on July 1st and August 21st, and once again, everyone is welcome : [[https://kerminy.org/fr/miny_moon|MinY MooN]].\\ - ** [[https://kerminy.org/fr/pandorhack|PANDORHACK]]**, **the summer forest university** : from August 1st to 28th), kerminy's artistic rendez-vous of the summer.\\ The forest becomes an artistic exploration field for the entire month. There will be shared practice sessions between the different types of artists on site, environnementalists, historians, searchers and all kind of imaginary explorers! We will set up a schedule during the month in order to answer multiple questions such as : What would be hacking the forest's ability to act ? Or what is getting inspired by the trees', plants' or even animals' different types of communication ? Is a forest as an organism ? //Pandorhack is an open, ethic and aesthetic artistic exploring site. The working residencies are on a autonomus basis, self-governing. The registrations are open, you can book your artistic adventure into the woods here : https://kerminy.org/fr/pandorhack \\ **As a part of the project, we are organising two public sharing week-ends :**\\ **On August 21st and 22nd** avec //HUM!//, //"the organic players" from the clown/BMC workshop, etc...//, etc.\\ **On august 27th and 28th** avec //Canopée//, //Devenir Végétal//, and all the other projects ongoing that will want to be shared.\\ Those public times are open to everyone without reservation.\\ - **[[https://ecosoma.art/actus|ÉCOSOMA]]** continues the ''becoming vegetal'' project  : \\ - **From august 25th to 28th** : a very special somatic-danse session in the forest, a special format for this summer. All the informations here: BECOMING VEGETAL, the registrations just opened !\\ - **[[https://open.kerminy.org/|OPEN-Kerminy]]**, **the artist residency, is open to everyone on simple registration.**\\ The residency is adressed to all the art searchers, no need to contribue to all the other events organised during the summer like the summer university or any public sharing times, you are juste welcome.\\ - **CYCLO-FARM :**\\ The farm welcomes summer wwoofers in the closed garden, the greenhouse and the new cultivated fields... with upcoming tomatoes ! Accompaning us, the chikens and their K-eggs, the bees and their miny-honey, the cats Chatoune and Chuck waiting for bats to come back; the flowerging orchard which escaped the sping roe deers; the wash-house becomes the forest agora for swims in the middle of the forest's sources. The summer can begin!\\ If you want to wisit Kerminy and the artistic farm, the site is open for free visit the first Friday of each month.\\ Find all these informations in the EVENT tab of the Kerminy website: [[https://kerminy.org/events|EVENTS]]\\ To allow Kerminy to exist, spread around this newletter, join the associations, and invite the people around you to do the same, and most importantly, book your stay !\\ ---- Links : [[https://open.kerminy.org/|OPEN]] [[https://cyclo-farm.kerminy.org|CYCLO-FARM]][[https://ecosoma.art|ÉCOSOMA]] [[https://n-a.life|(n)]]